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Making a Multi-Purpose Room Out of My Bedroom

Prior to the shutdown, my room was not a place to live in. It was a place I came to sleep, watch YouTube videos, and change clothes in before heading out for a new long day. My room was cluttered with everything from empty bottles of beauty products, the random water bottle beneath the bed to a clunky bed frame that's been through 2 floods. I also hadn't practiced yoga in my room in years since I always had a studio (or few) to go to for a practice. My full size bed was 75% laundry that hadn't been folded. And yes, there have been critters that I found a few times a week among the mess. Over time I got so used to always being outside of my room that I neglected taking care of it.

Growing up, every few years I had a sort of "snap" where I felt the urge to clean my room. This time around the "snap" wasn't "I should clean my room" it was "I need to make this room livable". Knowing that I would need to actually live in my room for more than 2 weeks, I felt that this was an opportunity to make a real shift. After another 2 weeks of ordering/building furniture, hours of laundry and deep cleaning, I stood before my refreshed room. I couldn't stop smiling when everything was done. I felt and still feel so proud that I did it. I was so happy that I took a shower, put on a cozy night gown, and got into my freshly washed sheets. I made my room a livable space for sleep, exercise, dance, and yoga!

Here are some of the major items that helped me transform my space.

Bed Frame

The bed frame I had was large, clunky and decaying. So I did some research and found a minimal design that was easy to move around. The Jubilee frame that I found from target was super easy to assemble and is super movable on my tile floor so that I can shift my bed to the side whenever I need extra space.

Note: That's not my room just a product shot haha


Our household mop has been USED so I knew we needed a new one. I also wanted one that was easy to wring out since there were spots on my floor that I needed to really clean up. I found this EasyWring Spin Mop that CLEANS. It has easily cleaned some spots on my floor that I thought were just permanent, not to mention that the bucket has a pedal which makes it so simple for me to wring out the mop for further use.

Bedside Table

Another thing I realized I needed was a bedside table. Normally my top corner of my bed was the home for my laptop and phone. Atop the bed frame is where I kept my water and remotes. Once I got a simple bed frame, I knew I needed a table. But I needed one that was easy to move. This Glasgow table is definitely movable as I literally carried it on a 20 min walk home from target. It's the new home for my laptop, remotes, journal and water.

Art Work

As I began the process of taking down some of my withered Jonas Brothers posters my walls were nearly bare for the first time in over a decade. I knew I wanted art on my walls but I wasn't sure what to put up. Luckily my favorite vlogger Joan Kim talked about Desenio's prints. After browsing their site I came across this print and a couple others that I decided to purchase. These prints are not on some flimsy paper. They are sturdy and beautiful!

Note: Their customer service is great. A frame came in damaged and they sent a replacement right away.


Last on the list is this massive 12-drawer Nordli Dresser. It took 10 hours to build but when I was done I sat on my bed and looked at it in amazement. I've built furniture in the past but THIS was a great accomplishment. I now have a drawer for every category of clothing. This piece allowed for me to have a clean bed. And yes, I now put away my laundry right after it's done. Also, the top of the dresser has my beauty products because for my height it makes a great standing vanity!

Those are the major items that helped me make a major shift. Trust me there are more items but then this would be a pamphlet of a blog 😅

If you've transformed your space during this time feel free to comment below how you did it and what you used 💜

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©2020 by Angelica Marie Wilson.
New York, NY

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